Number one: I have eyes in the back of my head (I CAN SEE -make no doubt about it - if a child is about to get into trouble).
Number two: I have super sonic hearing (again, with the child about to get into trouble...I have four, it's bound to happen you know).
Finally, here's the best part, Number three: I... can... speak... three... year... old. I know, I know. You are impressed and some of you might have some doubts. So allow me to translate...
"Mom, there's bunder and flighting outside".... (translation: thunder and lighting)
"I mam"...(translation: I am)
"I want nunny nut eerios"...(translation: honey nut cheerios)
"Is my done?"...(translation: am I done?)
"Swimmers take your mark - boop" (translation: we spend too much time at swim meets)
I tell you that by the time I enter back into the corporate world I will a force to be reckoned with, especially with all of these supernatural gifts I will have on my resume.