About Me

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Married twenty-five years to my wonderful husband and best friend. We have 3 "home-grown" kids and 1 hand-picked by God from Africa. Our life is blessed. We are a close knit family with strong Christian beliefs. Come along with us on our journey…you might have a great laugh or two.

Monday, January 24, 2011

13 years have past...

Yesterday we celebrated my oldest child's 13th birthday. 13 years...can you believe it?? Where does the time go so fast? I mean really...does someone know how to bottle it up and slow down the time continuum?

My children are growing up so fast that there are days that I just want to stop and say..."Wait, wait, I don't think I'm ready for you to be a teenager yet. Didn't I just teach you how to walk? Aren't you the same little one that couldn't say "toothpaste", but said "peesh-posh" instead?"

Being a parent is the most wonderful job in the entire world, but at times it's the hardest. I realize that at 13 he's only 3 years away from driving and 5 years away from leaving for college...and that makes my heart hurt.

But the truth is they were never really mine to keep. All along God has had a plan for them...a master plan. And I am thankful that for 13 years I have been able to be a part of it. So here's to you my firstborn...my teenager...I love you more that any words can ever express. I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you next.


  1. Beautifully said and I totally agree! He's an amazing young man and my very first grandchild. I have loved every minute of being his Grandmom. I, too, cannot wait to see what God has planned for him and how He is going to use the brilliance He bestowed upon this child!
