About Me

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Married twenty-five years to my wonderful husband and best friend. We have 3 "home-grown" kids and 1 hand-picked by God from Africa. Our life is blessed. We are a close knit family with strong Christian beliefs. Come along with us on our journey…you might have a great laugh or two.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Today it was all about the grapes….

This morning the little ones and I went out to the farm for just a couple of hours.  I am dying to get to work out there but I must say that if I let it….it could be VERY overwhelming as to the vast amount of work that needs to be done.  So I decided it's best to take what I like to call "the spyglass" approach.

Close one eye.  Take your hands and put them in a circle to make a pretend spyglass and put it over your open eye (like a pirate would….arrrgh, mateys!), then focus that spyglass on one thing on the farm and get that done for the day.  Forget the entire picture.  It'll probably take us years to get the farm the way I see it in my head.  Just take one baby step at a time.  Rome wasn't built in a day, people.  And neither will this farm….whatever we decide to call it.  Of course with me doing a spyglass all over the farm my little boy thinks "pirate island acres" would be fun to call it.

I don't think so Tim.  (ahem, can you name that sitcom?)

Okay, so today it was all about the grapes.  Personally, I don't know anything about grapes.  Yet.  But I'm pretty sure that they will not survive in six feet tall weeds, no sun and intertwined among trees.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

So first…..pull out the weeds.

Before we started in the grapes
After….about half way done with the weeds.  Can you see the grapevine running horizontally through the middle of it?  That's what we were trying hard to get to.
Our next step is cutting down the three Mulberry trees that are going through the middle of the grapes.  I didn't have the chainsaw with me this morning.  Of course, I'm not allowed to use the chainsaw being as accident prone as I am (or so my husband tells me), so I'll just wait for help from him in the next few days to actually complete the job.  After the trees are gone, we'll shore up the vines with new wire and posts and then hopefully we'll be ready to do some pruning on them before winter.

Our grass on the farm is taking on a life of its own.  We have bought a very large lawn tractor, but it had to be specially ordered so it still has a few days to go before it gets here.  I can't wait.  This morning a really large frog jumped out from the tall weeds and scared the fire out of me coming right at me.

That thing is all mine when I get my tractor….

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