I don't want to say it but I think we are apple farmers. I mean we have a lot of apple trees. 63 to be exact. Okay, actually that number is down this year. We lost a couple to a bad storm and then we lost a couple more simply due to the actual weight of the apples on the trees. So I'm thinking we are in the 50's somewhere, but I've not counted lately. What difference does it make when you look out to sea of red apples.
Our harvest is phenomenal this year. It's crazy. When I mow in the orchard and just barely bump a branch all you hear is thump, thump, thump, thump with the tons of apples hitting the ground. Of course they end up all over the mower and me and everything else. Funny….but not.
We never sprayed the apples this year and I have to admit, we have been lucky. The only thing that they have are some black soot spots which scrubs off with a cloth under the water. Not too bad for two people who have no idea how to raise apple trees. This year I just let God take over and I'm thinkin' he did a pretty good job.
Today, I have peeled apples almost all day long. Applesauce had my name written all over it. Yep. It did. Lots and lots of applesauce was canned. But not nearly enough to even make a tiny dent in the amount of apples left on the trees.
So I got to thinkin'….
And finally, I took the plunge.
I put a sign out at the end of our driveway, and I thought I'd sell me some apples. Scary, I know. But guess what??? Our farm is now officially open for business.
….I probably ought to let my husband know.
I have enjoyed your blog and all the posts! I watch everyday for a new one! Thanks!