About Me

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Married twenty-five years to my wonderful husband and best friend. We have 3 "home-grown" kids and 1 hand-picked by God from Africa. Our life is blessed. We are a close knit family with strong Christian beliefs. Come along with us on our journey…you might have a great laugh or two.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Homemade Butter...

 Last night, I made some homemade butter.  I don't know why but I get excited about making butter.  Maybe it's the process of change that the whipping cream goes through.  You know, taking a liquid and making a solid...of course, I guess ice could give you the same satisfaction.  But I'd probably call you weird on that one.


"Butter, people...I just made butter!  Isn't that so cool?"  I exclaimed last night in the kitchen.  My husband and little ones were less than impressed. I realize that you could buy it in big enormous vats, but it isn't as fresh or wouldn't' be as cool to watch...the big vat that is.

So here's my easy peazy recipe for making your own healthy butter.

Homemade Butter
(you will need a large stand up mixer)
This recipe makes about a cup (I usually double or triple this)

2 cups -  organic heavy whipping cream
1/4  tsp.  - salt

Place cream in large stand up mixer.  Turn on high and watch and wait.  It will be very splattery.  (I use my splatter guard and still put a towel over the mixer)  After a few minutes it will start to look like whipped cream...at that point you are close to being done.  When it begins to look like cottage cheese and there is milk at the bottom you have just made butter.  Yeah!!  Strain the milk (buttermilk) from the bowl.  You can use this in anything that calls for buttermilk.  It's great.  Rinse the butter with cold water pressing and squeezing the butter.  You are trying to get any excess liquid out of the butter.  After rinsing, store in a jar (I love mason jars) and keep refrigerated. 

The butter I made last night (shown in the picture above) made a jar and a half of buttermilk.  We loved it in our pancakes for breakfast the morning. 

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