About Me

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Married twenty-five years to my wonderful husband and best friend. We have 3 "home-grown" kids and 1 hand-picked by God from Africa. Our life is blessed. We are a close knit family with strong Christian beliefs. Come along with us on our journey…you might have a great laugh or two.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

New poured driveway + a boatload of rain = disaster

Yesterday, the kids and I went by the house to check on things.  We've had a few issues that we've been dealing with (ahem….like the painters leaving the front door wide open and windows open on the night we had a major rain storm.  Not cool, man).  Anyway, coming off of that glorious moment I thought it would be best to check on the state of things at the house.

They were pouring our driveway and the kids and I watched for a little while.  Then we climbed in our van and headed off.  Not 15 seconds from the house my husband called to say those 6 dreaded words…."you are about to get pounded."


I'm talking a mountain of rain, people.  We probably got 3 + inches of rain yesterday.  Ugh.  Love it for the farm and garden.  Hate it because the driveway was ruined.


They were saying a 15% chance of rain yesterday.  15%.  And that amount equalled disaster for our driveway.

Oh heavens, just get me through these next 24 days….

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