About Me

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Married twenty-five years to my wonderful husband and best friend. We have 3 "home-grown" kids and 1 hand-picked by God from Africa. Our life is blessed. We are a close knit family with strong Christian beliefs. Come along with us on our journey…you might have a great laugh or two.

Monday, December 18, 2017

In the wee early hours....

This morning my husband, my oldest daughter and myself were up in the wee hours to do none other than that wretched exercise video called P90X.  Crazy freak of an instructor.

My husband and I have been eating better and losing weight for a few months...okay, well technically he's still losing weight.  Ugh!  That's a guy for you.  Me...I've stalled.  Anyway, I checked out from the library this exercise video series and we all thought we'd start this thing together.  In the wee hours.  Of the morning.  Before you have to then go about your day even though you really can't raise your arms any higher than your waist.  Today.


I'll tell you.  We weren't.

Funny thing is that our oldest daughter was happy to join in on the pain.  What college kid does that?!  Oh, how I love that one.  Our youngest daughter is suppose to join tomorrow.  She's NOT a morning person.  We'll see how she does.

Well, this better work.  Weight loss better come fast and furious.  Because if not, there's a piece of cake with my name written all over it.

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