About Me

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Married twenty-five years to my wonderful husband and best friend. We have 3 "home-grown" kids and 1 hand-picked by God from Africa. Our life is blessed. We are a close knit family with strong Christian beliefs. Come along with us on our journey…you might have a great laugh or two.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just kidding...only slightly

The postman stuffed a big envelope in our mailbox yesterday. It was the long awaited USCIS approval. Woo-hoo for us!! So I decided that I would call and tell our adoption agency about the approval. (any excuse I can come up with to call them to "help them remember" that we are anxiously waiting here is pretty good to me) So ever so slightly I told her..."I thought you'd like to know that we received our USCIS approval". "That's great!" "Yep...just thought you'd like to know. You know...just in case you get a run on kids this week from Ethiopia and need a family." She laughed. "Just kidding." I said.

...only slightly

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